Suspended matter sampler, filter setup

The sediment sampler was developed in collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat to guide surface water through a filter cascade in a dosed manner. The filter cascade can be configured in different ways. For example, you can choose to configure two filter lines, whereby the setup can automatically switch from filter line 1 to filter line 2. This way, the setup can continue to run if the flooded filter line is provided with clean filters in time. A filter train of as many as 6 successive filters can also be configured.

The drive of the liquid flow through the filters can be manifested by a submersible pump or an internal peristaltic pump.

  • Liquid flow adjustable from 0.1 to 10 liters per minute at 0.7 bar (submersible pump) or 0.1 to 2 liters per minute at 1.5 bar (peristailtic pump)
  • Frost protection for components in the casing
  • Continuous monitoring of various parameters of the surface water
  • Fixed connection 230V, 2 Ampere Con


A number of parameters are continuously monitored as standard. The most important of these is the flow rate, because the sediment load can be determined on the basis of the flow rate. Some standard parameters that we can read:

    Flow Temperature Conductivity


    Turbidity flow rate at the intake point depth at the intake points more!

The filter housings that we present here are suitable for filter bags size 4 and have a filter surface of 450 cm2. The filter bags are available in different materials with a mesh size from 1 micron and larger.

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