Flow Measurements

Water management in quality and quantity is our passion

Since 2013, we have been actively involved in capacity measurements of pumping stations, weirs and inlets. We are specialized in flow measurements in open waterways and closed pipe systems. We can also support you in determining the efficiency of your installation. We can distinguish between different parts of the system by measuring these separate parts. Through a combination of different measuring techniques, we can determine the efficiency of a complete installation for you.

We use the latest and most accurate equipment on the market. We have expanded the existing equipment (RiverSurveyor RS5 from Sontek) with a guidance system with which the position of the measuring equipment can be accurately controlled. This combination ensures that the measurements provide the most accurate results available on the market.

By using different measurement methods we can check, verify and exclude impurities in the measurement results. ea


A flow measurement is reported as standard using a document prepared by us. This describes the measurement method, the measurement conditions and, of course, the results of the measurement. If desired, recommendations or advice can follow from the measurement results.

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